Study of the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on student wellbeing and
experiences of aggression

Researchers: Drs. Grace Skrzypiec Mirella Wyra, College of Education, Psychology and Education, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, and Sheri Bauman, Ph.D., The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

What is the study about? This study seeks to examine the wellbeing (including depression and anxiety) of students in grade 6-10 and their experiences of aggression and bullying while learning from home during lock-down (school closures and other restrictions). The aim is to inform school communities about the needs of students once they return to school following their isolation.
If you consent, and your child assents to participate, what will she/he be asked to do? Students will be asked to complete a 12-15 minute anonymous online questionnaire and answer questions about their experiences of aggression (including bullying) during lock-down, their wellbeing, resilience, self-concept and mental health.
 Participants and the school will not be identified in any subsequent reports. Students do not have to answer any question they don’t wish to and they are free to withdraw at any time.
 What are the benefits of participating in this study? Participants may not directly benefit from this research. However, the findings will provide information about the impact of social distancing and isolation on student wellbeing. This study will provide an indication of the additional support students will need once they return to school following a lift of restrictions. This will assist policy makers in formulating programs to enhance student wellbeing and ensure positive school learning environments for students.
 What are the risks of participating? There is a risk that a student may become upset if a question triggers a memory of a past incident. Phone numbers and links to online help available for assistance and support will be provided at the end of the online questionnaire.
What about confidentiality? Questionnaires will have no names and will be entirely anonymous. No one at the school will see questionnaire responses. In any publication of results, information will be provided in such a way that your child and the school cannot be identified.
 What if I have complaints about the study?
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Flinders University Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee. Sheri Bauman has disclosed an outside interest in Ditch the Label.  This interest has been properly disclosed to the University of Arizona and reviewed in accordance with its conflict of interest policies. If you have any concerns or complaints about the study you can contact the Secretary of the Committee on 8201 3116, or by fax on 8201 2035 or by email Any complaint you make will be investigated promptly and you will be told of the outcome.  The United States participation in the study has been approved by the University of Arizona’s Human Subjects Protection Program. For questions, concerns, or complaints about the study you may contact Dr. Sheri Bauman, or 520-626-7308.
 For questions about your rights as a participant in this study or to discuss other study-related concerns or complaints with someone who is not part of the research team, you may contact the Human Subjects Protection Program at 520-626-6721 or online at
What do I do now? If you give permission and your child agrees to taking part in the study, please submit the Participant Information Statement and Consent form on the study website ( and then allow your child to begin the online questionnaire. (Please note that consent forms and the questionnaire are not connected.)

Consent Form:

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and considering whether you will allow your child to participate.  Please have your child read the student assent statement below the signatures before providing access to the survey.
Yours sincerely,
Sheri Bauman, Ph.D.
College of Education
University of Arizona


Dr Grace Skrzypiec,BSc(Hons), Grad Dip Ed, MEd, PhD
Director Student Wellbeing and Prevention of Violence Research Centre (SWAPv)
School of Education
Flinders University, South Australia
Student Assent: Your parent/guardian has given permission for you to take an online survey about how school closures and other restrictions due to the Covid19 virus have affected you. It will take about 12 – 15 minutes for you to do. There are questions about your use of digital devices, your experiences of aggression (including bullying) during the lock-down, your wellbeing, ability to spring back, ideas about yourself and mental health. You do not have to do this, and you can skip any questions that you don’t want to answer. If any questions cause you to feel upset, there is information about free support at the end of the survey.

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